Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Semester - Photography

Well, I didn't get a chance to post everything from the first semester, but you've seen some examples of some of the better work I've done. Looking over it all in this format makes me feel like I'm leaving out a lot, but I think I just spent more time on some of the projects than I ever anticipated.

There is another project that should receive an honourable mention as it could not be posted here. In my final Mac class last semester, I designed a trivia game based on Clone High, one of my favourite cartoons. I spent a good deal more time on it than necessary, and am so proud of how it turned out. After many painstaking hours, I was able to extract the exact chunks of video that I had desired to accompany the questions and answers envisioned in the wee hours of the morning. Really, the show offers so much hilarious content that the trouble wasn't finding quality content, it was extracting quality images and video from good sources, and, finally, editing it all down into what was manageable, not just what would be awesome. Let's put it this way: my first draft had 14 questions. When I was done the project, it had dwindled to include the 5 questions necessary, and a bonus question, and well over 200 slides. I would be happy to showcase the Clone High Questionnaire to any friends who ask, and I hope that the friends who love the show and read this blog inquire.

So that's it. One semester under my belt. I was super relieved to have some vacation time over the holidays. Of course, I wasted the time away playing my guitar, seeing friends and family, and reading some great books. And none of this was enough.
I am happy to be back in school again, however I am still having some trouble settling in to a routine.

New and exciting on the horizon is my photography class. I received a Canon Rebel XS camera for Christmas (thank you!) and am beginning to learn about it many fun functions, but I know I have a long road ahead of me. The class is starting off slow, and to get us all acquainted w our cameras our first assignment was a self-portrait. I submitted the picture below. 

I had taken several photos for this, none of which I was really happy with. Many were much more dynamic that this one, but there was always something in the corner, or something slightly out of focus. In the end, I chose this one because of the star, the smirk, and my tattoo. I have been trying to get a good picture of the claddagh on my arm, but most of them were boring. This photo is more than just the skull, hands, heart and crown, it includes many of my favourite accessories while keeping it simple. The main thing I don't like about it is that I look a little akward because my arms are double jointed, but, hey - I'm not perfect. You get the fun and the flaws, take it or leave it.
So, as my first self-portrait, it works. But i can do better.

This was submitted for our second task: simplicity.
It's a painting that I had once bought at an art in the park in Ottawa. What a great day.

The colours are simple, the themes look simple in nature. If you look at the painting itself, the strings and the bubbles may look excessive, but the overall effect of the photo, I feel, is simple enough. And pretty.

Which brings me to my new take on my new carreer...
Soon I'll be a Graphic Designer. People will pay me to make things pretty     : )

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