Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Photography - Settings

Photography Assignment

Take 4 select pictures of a white subject, 1 indoors choosing the proper white balance, 3 outdoors choosing the proper ISO, aperture and shutter speed.

I had originally planned to post all the photos, but some differed from others and seemed haphasard. Since the statue below was anchored outside, I obviously could not shoot it indoors, and had to use a completely different subject. The others were taken a day earlier than the following photo, during a storm, which cast the statue in a softer light. Out of the group, the picture below conveyed the truest white balance, and the shadows and angle made for a more compelling shot.

This photo was taken on a clear night in February. Due to the utter darkness, I turned on a flood light in the distance rather than a flash, and then fiddled with my settings.

White Balance: Tungsten Light
ISO: 1600
Shutter Speed: 3.2
Aperture: F14

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