Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Birthday Fun

I have just turned another day and another year older. 26. In these years I have learned to appreciate any goodness on my birthday, as it comes and goes, and I have had many bad birthdays. Today was a good day, with the exception of a dispute chez mon amie, but that's her story to tell, not mine. Mine, today, consisted of school work and getting off early, hanging out with my sister and nephew, dinner with my parents, and a silly movie with some good ol friends. All in all, I'd say we all came out on top.

But that's not the end of it. There will be more celebration tomorrow in Detroit at a Frightened Rabbits concert with my cousin, and some festivities on the weekend. This, coupled with the holiday season and change into fall, allows me to prolong some of the goodness of my birthday, which makes it easier to roll with the punches when things aren't so smooth. It's generally a good time, and a good system so far.

All of this to say that I have been super busy with Halloween hullabaloo, as well as school and all kinds of other things. Life is getting on track again and I like the direction I'm heading in, especially as I tighten up on school projects and the like. So this is me, at 26, beginning to understand who I am and what I want, and it feels good to stand tall in my own shoes. They finally feel like they're mine.

A little late, I know, but it seems I am ready act for myself in my adulthood, prepared to interact with the world as such. It's funny that I never noticed how little I actually interacted with the world and society. Sure, I went through the motions, but never really had any intention to leave my own mark. Come to think of it, I've never really known what mark to make. Today, equipped with various sharpies, ink and brushes, and other tools, I know I will make whatever mark I choose, and that's enough. That's fabulous, actually. Any mark that helps me grow, speak up, speak out, and be me in whatever strange way I choose is another piece of myself intermingling in the universe. I like it.

My mom said something yesterday that I think to be lovely and very true.
She said, Maura, "you're just making up life over there."
That I am, Maman, and I am having a blast with it these days!

Light and Love to all my friends and family;
Thank you for the Birthday Wishes,

1 comment:

  1. I am listening to Frightened Rabbit, finally, after hearing you talk about them the last week or so... I _REALLY_ like them, and I definitely should have listened to you and come to the concert.

    I need to stop cutting myself off from the world just because my clothes don't fit - you know? Of course you don't, you're adorable haha.

    Thanks for the reminder.
