Thursday, September 30, 2010

Strange on a Saturday

I feel like I should have a cape or throw stars.

I am obsessed with taking pictures of my feet. Everyone's feet, really. I think it has to do with the idea that they keep us grounded.
They show us where we have been, where we are, and where we are going. 
Well, you can tell where I was headed this day.

Final Friday in Ottawa

It was lovely to be in Ottawa again. The sun was shining almost all weekend,
and so I got to wander around and see my favourite sights...

(Strathcona Park)

... and some of my favourite people.

Gotta love the bikers, sharing the Ottawa roads and walkways.

This trip to Ottawa was actually relaxing, for a change. Certainly, I didn't get to see everyone that I wanted to see, but I got some important things done, including getting good news from a doctor and moving the rest of my belongings from storage. The rest was pure enjoyment.

Thanx to all who made it such a wonderful weekend. I will never forget that it is you who make me miss my former home, and that you continue to warrant many more visits. Despite this, I am happy to have cut ties and to have said goodbye in such a good way that, alas, I won't be returning to Ottawa for some time.

Outward and onward, I say, and I am really looking forward to it.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Apologies for Delays

Some may say that today is momentous. That they may never have dared to dream that it could happen. Because today I must apologize for my lack of pictures. You see, I am having trouble with my camera, and have been since Thursday, when I took the picture below. Since that faithful day, my camera has grown its own personality. It has now decided that it will only relinquish some pictures, from time to time, but only if it feels like it. Sure, it will tease you and show you a preview of the nice pictures, but it refuses to follow through and give up the goods.

So I have spent several days attempting to fix this, and, after many painful measures, I have been able to extract a few pictures from the beast. Nothing spectacular, though, and not much of my trip to Ottawa this weekend. So, please be patient with my postings. I would like to add fresh content, as that is the purpose of this blog, and so I will work hard to fix this.

In the meantime, and with no further ado, I present to you the picture that breathed life and a rather stubborn personality into my camera:

Thursday. Carapace on the Curb.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

As Summer Fades Away

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the air was warm with a light breeze that played with the tips of your hair. It was a surprise after the cool spell we've had this past week. It reminded me that the last days of summer are upon us. Unfortunately, I do not get to enjoy the rest of the sunshine as much as I'd like, as the fluctuation in temperatures has given me a cold. Soups, Teas and Bedrest have filled my day and replaced the opportunity to take any decent pictures. So, in honour of the lovely day I saw fly by, I present a photo from an even lovelier day I made sure I took advantage of.

This photo was taken in Picton, Ontario, at a Family reunion in August. We spent days watching kids, young and old, fill this landscape with sports, swimming, stories, good food, and local events. It was a fabulous weekend. I hope we can do it again next year, if not sooner.  

Monday, September 13, 2010


                           Hangin out with the S-man was definitely the best part of my day.

I should mention that babies have suddenly sprung up all over in my life. It's wonderful, especially when I can send them home with their parents when the day is done/the diaper is full.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Originally, I had wanted to start a blog so that I could post a picture a day. As you can tell, I like to enjoy my weekends to their full potential, and so please forgive me for posting pictures from Friday and Saturday a little late. Today, Sunday, has been a beautiful day of recouperation, homework and some more time with my nephew. Today's photo:

Camouflage Cat

I simply had to snap a few pictures of him as he taunted the moths in the dark. Silly moths, attracted to bright, shiny things. Bet you didn't expect to see this guy on the window sill. 


                              Little Liam Hands! And he just happens to match his Daddy perfectly
                                 Oh, what fun! So many shoes... so many excuses to get dressed up


Starting out the evening at the river

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Our Backyard

This is the view I enjoyed on my lunch break. It's right in front of the College, taunting me with its beauty as I sit in the basement all semester. Of course, there's plenty more to see along the river, and there's much more of the semester to go. Translation: more to come.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Christmas came early, Full of colour and 2 lumps of coal

Today's day had its ups and downs. The short and the long of it all is that I finally got my Art Kit!!! Sure, it was more money than advertised, and it's missing some pieces, and I think half the paper is wrong for the specifications of the profs, but look at these colours! Prrrrrrrr. Much of the ingredients are super exciting, including a cutting matt and X-actos (I simply love that word, though the spelling bothers me a little), a GIANT sketching board, and the biggest hard cover sketch book I have ever laid eyes on. Don't forget the Tsquare! Mmmmmm... straight lines and 90 degree angles. *Drool*

Do we still question the idea that I should be a Graphic Designer? I mean, not everyone gets turned on by the elements in the picture below. Don't worry, it's only a little. I imagine the real thrill will come in layout and computer design. I am also very excited for the typography and printing press classes. I was flipping through the books for these, spilling out the jargon to random passers-by in my household, with excitement animating my every feature. I truly believe that this program includes all kinds of media and all kinds of elements that I enjoy, and that putting them all together to make ads, labels, and other art with be an all together good time.

You know what wasn't such a good time? Lugging all this crap around all day. No, I didn't have the foresight to rent a locker at the college to store such materials. And if I did, most of it wouldn't fit! Some of those boards and sketch pads are large enough to hide behind. So carrying it all around today was less than stellar. Dragging it on the bus, after I had realised that I had forgotten my bus pass, was even less pleasing. At the end of the ride I said to myself, I says, "Buck up, little trooper. You can carry this home the last few blocks. It's your new art kit. Sure it's heavy, but it will provide hours of entertainment." And, of course, that's when I had a real taste of the icing on the cake; the moment I stepped off the bus, the strap on the biggest, most awkward bag broke. Prestige my foot!

Don't worry, I survived enough to make it home and to complain about it in this blog. Certainly, it's not all bad. I'll never have to carry all of the materials at the same time again. I simply have to plan it out properly, and hopefully it won't break my back. So far it has just broken the bank and that one strap. On the bright side, if I can't exchange the bag, I get to sew on new, funky straps!

So, all in all, there was much sunshine among the clouds of my day. And, as anyone can see, I'm a big fan of any silver lining. Tomorrow will be a new day with new classes, new drawings and hopefully a new post.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

All My Own

Today's post shall be short and sweet, just like me. It was my first full day of school, and it was pretty easy. The profs were good about not overwhelming people the first day, especially since most of us can't extract our books from the makeshift bookstore (which is hard to take seriously since they have set it up in one of the coat rooms of the Arts Centre, and they keep closing during peak hours. RE-diculous). So we had a quick intro into what everyday class will entail, and were even sent home early.
Already, I like the program. I mean, I get to doodle as much as I want while the prof lectures about texture techniques, and I won't even get in trouble! I'm not saying that, at 25, I'm afraid of a little talkin to from a professor, I'm simply in awe at the fact that I am encouraged to draw all over my stuff. The feeling is quite liberating.

Doodles and drafts have been spilling from my fingertips. It's exhilirating. The picture above is a direct product of such musings, and a small logo has also come to be. It's still a little rough, and, as usual, a collage of sorts. Every piece of it done by hand (which feels great). But it's the tip of the iceberg considering the programs we will be working with, the works to be created. I am looking forward not only to manipulating this image into a variety of signatures/logos with all sorts of sample colours and effects, but to watch the progression of these and other works in the upcoming months.   

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Beginning, with Room to Grow

This is the bud of a poppy plant. In reality it is the size of my fist. At any moment that velvety burst of red will push its way through the top, opening up into a luscious flower with large petals and a deep, dark center. The petals open to reveal themselves in all sorts of ways; a balance between rich and fragile texture, like leather and rice paper at once, that allows the sun and the wind to fold them in ways that an array of reds shine through. These poppies are strong, beautiful, and grow as tall as any other large plant in the garden.
Tomorrow I get my very own budding start. I will be back in school, College this time, in the hopes of finding some happiness in a second career. A change of institution, a change of study, a change in pace; these are all very welcome. A change of lifestyle: back to being studious but also a jump into the possibilities of design and illustration. As a Graphic Design student, more drafts, more scenarios, more material will necessarily burst from my brain and onto the page. More works will be planned and produced. 

This all is very exciting, but it also makes me very nervous. Publishing any work of art, even in a small setting, means putting yourself, your works, your ideas out there against the world. In this we all hope to please the audience, wishing that the work is plain enough for some, eccentric enough for others. But the art itself demands only that your please yourself.

In the end, I hope that my art comes through strong and sassy, lighthearted and full of soul, classic and original. There are so many projects that I would like to accomplish, but, for now, I can hope to grow to create a variety of works that are simply stunning.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Starlight, Starbright

      As a person, I am fairly optimistic. Sure, I believe in many superstitious practices like knocking on wood and hanging a horseshoe with the ends up so that all the luck pools into it, but I also believe that a little elbow grease goes a long way toward the better outcome of any situation. I believe that fate provides opportunity and that an individual has to seize it.

                                                                    Carp your diem. 

      Someone once told me to "count my lucky stars" and it made me smile. You see, stars are a wonderous, awe inspiring thing (for which I have a small obsession). They remind us that the universe is vast and plentiful, and though we may only be a spec in the grand scheme of it all, we are still part of it. Stars, those bright, shiny balls of energy that have sprung into existence thousands of lightyears away, shimmer into someone's night sky. But sadly their dazzling light does not last; eventually, stars burn out. So yes, I consider myself lucky to count any stars I see, to acknowledge that they were there, that I saw their lustre for one moment one evening, and that they saw mine.

      I hope to bring this idea into the rest of my life as well, to count the blessings I experience every day and to showcase some of them here. These can be big events in my life, like the upcoming weddings of two very good friends, or the small things, like the day to day changes in my little nephew. I also have to count myself lucky to have time to spend with family and friends, old and new, with good conversation and good food. It's good to simply be with people you love. Then there are the scenes that just take my breath away. At home or abroad, there is always some lanscape, cityscape or natural occurance that makes me want to snap a photo to say "I witnessed this, and it was remarkable."

      For example the other day, while enjoying some sun in the back yard, I witnessed the flight of a humming bird that had come to feed on our hibiscus tree. It was quiet, of course, and quick; it seemed to ride the wind. When I finally located and locked my eyes upon this tiny little bird it seemed so steady. It took its time, flitting from one flower to another, and, when satisfied, it was gone. It was a short but beautiful moment.

      I have since taken many pictures of the hibiscus in the garden, and have found, to my delight, a star at the center, as in the picture above. It makes me smile to know that one miracle, this bountiful tree that flourishes new flowers every day, can bring about so many more.