Monday, September 6, 2010

The Beginning, with Room to Grow

This is the bud of a poppy plant. In reality it is the size of my fist. At any moment that velvety burst of red will push its way through the top, opening up into a luscious flower with large petals and a deep, dark center. The petals open to reveal themselves in all sorts of ways; a balance between rich and fragile texture, like leather and rice paper at once, that allows the sun and the wind to fold them in ways that an array of reds shine through. These poppies are strong, beautiful, and grow as tall as any other large plant in the garden.
Tomorrow I get my very own budding start. I will be back in school, College this time, in the hopes of finding some happiness in a second career. A change of institution, a change of study, a change in pace; these are all very welcome. A change of lifestyle: back to being studious but also a jump into the possibilities of design and illustration. As a Graphic Design student, more drafts, more scenarios, more material will necessarily burst from my brain and onto the page. More works will be planned and produced. 

This all is very exciting, but it also makes me very nervous. Publishing any work of art, even in a small setting, means putting yourself, your works, your ideas out there against the world. In this we all hope to please the audience, wishing that the work is plain enough for some, eccentric enough for others. But the art itself demands only that your please yourself.

In the end, I hope that my art comes through strong and sassy, lighthearted and full of soul, classic and original. There are so many projects that I would like to accomplish, but, for now, I can hope to grow to create a variety of works that are simply stunning.

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