Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Christmas came early, Full of colour and 2 lumps of coal

Today's day had its ups and downs. The short and the long of it all is that I finally got my Art Kit!!! Sure, it was more money than advertised, and it's missing some pieces, and I think half the paper is wrong for the specifications of the profs, but look at these colours! Prrrrrrrr. Much of the ingredients are super exciting, including a cutting matt and X-actos (I simply love that word, though the spelling bothers me a little), a GIANT sketching board, and the biggest hard cover sketch book I have ever laid eyes on. Don't forget the Tsquare! Mmmmmm... straight lines and 90 degree angles. *Drool*

Do we still question the idea that I should be a Graphic Designer? I mean, not everyone gets turned on by the elements in the picture below. Don't worry, it's only a little. I imagine the real thrill will come in layout and computer design. I am also very excited for the typography and printing press classes. I was flipping through the books for these, spilling out the jargon to random passers-by in my household, with excitement animating my every feature. I truly believe that this program includes all kinds of media and all kinds of elements that I enjoy, and that putting them all together to make ads, labels, and other art with be an all together good time.

You know what wasn't such a good time? Lugging all this crap around all day. No, I didn't have the foresight to rent a locker at the college to store such materials. And if I did, most of it wouldn't fit! Some of those boards and sketch pads are large enough to hide behind. So carrying it all around today was less than stellar. Dragging it on the bus, after I had realised that I had forgotten my bus pass, was even less pleasing. At the end of the ride I said to myself, I says, "Buck up, little trooper. You can carry this home the last few blocks. It's your new art kit. Sure it's heavy, but it will provide hours of entertainment." And, of course, that's when I had a real taste of the icing on the cake; the moment I stepped off the bus, the strap on the biggest, most awkward bag broke. Prestige my foot!

Don't worry, I survived enough to make it home and to complain about it in this blog. Certainly, it's not all bad. I'll never have to carry all of the materials at the same time again. I simply have to plan it out properly, and hopefully it won't break my back. So far it has just broken the bank and that one strap. On the bright side, if I can't exchange the bag, I get to sew on new, funky straps!

So, all in all, there was much sunshine among the clouds of my day. And, as anyone can see, I'm a big fan of any silver lining. Tomorrow will be a new day with new classes, new drawings and hopefully a new post.

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